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Refractive results and patient satisfaction with markerless alignment for a trifocal toric IOL

Poster Details

First Author: E.Fabian GERMANY

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To compare refracitve outcome, residual astigmatisme and ease of on axis implantation of an toric IOL without and with help of markerless alignement.




Retrospective study of 50 patients for cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange, having at least an astigmatism of -1,00 dpt. Selection of the patients was directed by their desire to see without glases in fare and near distances. Biometric data were performed with the IOL-Master-700, phacoemulsification and IOL implantation (AT LISA trifocal toric) into the capsular bag, markerless IOL – positioning. Follow-up of 1 year to controll visusal acuity for far, intermediate and near distance, residual astigmatism and refractive outcome. a questonaire was used fot evaluation of patients complaints and satistfaction


All patients had at least UCFVA of 20/50 and UCNVA 20/30, all could be corrected with glases to 20/20 or better. Image aquisiton and alignement are performed from staff thus gaining smoother flow of patients. On a scale from 1 (never) to 6 (allways) patients showed a very high spectalcle independance (1,32) and had very low amount of (1,47) .


alignening a toric IOL markerless is of great advantage, high visual acuity for all distances, very low residual astigmatism and very high patient sattisfaction are the results

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