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Accommodative add-on optical implant: a novel concept and experimental studies

Poster Details

First Author: E.Assia ISRAEL

Co Author(s):    Y. Ton                    

Abstract Details


To present a novel concept of a sulcus fixated optical element to restore natural accommodation.


Meir Medical Center, Kfar-Saba, Israel


The accommodative implant is positioned in the ciliary sulcus of eyes following in-the-bag implantation of conventional IOL targeted to emmetropia. The ciliary muscle is utilized to shift fluid within the implanted device, thus to change the anterior curvature of the optical system and increase its optical power. Ex-vivo laboratory experiments in animal eyes and human cadaveric eyes were done to study feasibility of implantation of the accommodative element and determine the desired shape and configuration of the device.


Experimental studies were done on post-mortem eyes of pigs, rabbits and human eyes. Prototypes of the optical system were implanted in pseudophakic eyes through a relatively small incision (3.5 mm) and positioned in the sulcus in direct contact with the ciliary muscle. UBM studies helped determine lens dimension and design. Pilot studies on living rabbits confirmed feasibility of implantation and proper positioning of the device.


Preliminary studies suggest that the concept of an add-on sulcus fixated optical system to restore natural accommodation is feasible and may have the potential for clinical use.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors gains financially from product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors research is funded, fully or partially, by a competing company, One or more of the authors has significant investment interest in a competing company

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