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Visual performance differences between different combinations of multifocal designs

Poster Details

First Author: S.García-Lázaro SPAIN

Co Author(s):    N. Burguera-Giménez   A. Cervino   T. Ferrer-Blasco   R. Montes-Mico           

Abstract Details


To evaluate the Visual Acuity (VA) and Contrast sensitivity function (CSF) of four different combinations of simultaneous vision multifocal contact lenses (CLs).


University of Valencia


In this cross-over analysis, 14 consecutive presbyopic eyes were fitted with Biofinity Multifocal CLs. Two CL designs were randomly combined four times, a dominant 'D' design (centre-distance) and non-dominant 'N' design (centre-near) over dominant and non-dominant eye. Binocular distance visual acuity (BDVA), binocular near visual acuity (BNVA), monocular distance visual acuity (MDVA), monocular near visual acuity (MNVA), CSF and defocus curve were performed under photopic (85cd/m2) and mesopic conditions (3cd/m2) by means of the Functional Acuity Contrast Test.


Mean BDVA was highest for dominant design in either eye, and lowest for non-dominant design in both eyes (P=0.05). BNVA was -0.047±0.16 logMAR for non-dominant design in either eye and 0.003 ± 0.13 logMAR for non-dominant design in dominant eye and dominant design in non-dominant eye (P>0.05). Dominant design in dominant eye and non-dominant design in non-dominant eye reports an acceptable BDVA 0.016±0.16 logMAR and better BNVA -0.015±0.15logMAR. Under Photopic and binocular conditions, a statistical significant CSF decrease was found (P<0.05) at 1.5 cpg between ‘DD’ and ‘ND’ versus ‘DN’. Under mesopic conditions, a significant reduction at 18 cpg in all CL designs was found (P<0.05).


Multifocal Biofinity CL provided different visual performance at distance and near depending on the design. The combination of this CL should be based on patient’s visual requirements to achieve optimal outcomes

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