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Intraocular aberrations after YAG capsulotomy

Poster Details

First Author: A.Grzybowski POLAND

Co Author(s):    M. Gaca-Wysocka   L. Ulatowska                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate the role of posterior capsular opacifications (PCO) and YAG capsulotomy on intraocular aberrations in monofocal psuedophakic patients.


Secondary visual acuity deterioration in pseudophakic eyes due to PCO is relatively common and leads to significant visual discomfort. In majority of cases the therapeutic effect after YAG-capsulotomy is spectacular, and rarely associated with some complications, including unwelcome refractive errors, changes at intraocular lens position, and intraocular pressure increases.


Studied group consisted of 25 consecutive monofocal pseudophakic patients (eyes) with PCO qualified for YAG procedure. Intraocular aberrations were measured in mydriasis before and after the procedure with KR1W Topcon. Corneal, lenticular and total astigmatism as well as total ocular aberrations (HOA) were analyzed. Each YAG capsulotomy was based on circular pattern and standard power settings between 1.5- 3.0 mJ, with the total energy for each procedure between 30-70 mJ.


Corneal astigmatism was decreased in 28% (11 eyes) after YAG capsulotomy. In 36% of cases before YAG capsulotomy and in 8% cases after the procedure it was not possible to measure intraocular astigmatism and HOA. There was a decrease of intraocular astigmatism in 73%, total astigmatism in 67% and HOA in 67% after Yag capsulotomy.


In one third of PCO eyes it was not possible to measure aberrations before YAG capsulotomy. In majority of patients YAG capsulotomy resulted in decrease of HOA, lenticular and total astigmatism.

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