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Corneal epitheliopathy after trauma by fake snow powder
Poster Details
First Author: M.Al-Amry SAUDI ARABIA
Co Author(s): H. Ghadeer
Abstract Details
to report the corneal epithelial changes after trauma by a fake snow powder in a 5years old child
Emergency room at a tertiary eye hospital
case report
A 5 years old male child was playing with instant fake snow powder who experienced sudden eye pain,redness and tearing after that powder thrown to his right eye by his brother,he developed corneal epithelial defect wich was relactant to heal and developed which necrotic edges which healed after couple of epithelial debridments and use of topical antibiotics.
even the fake snow powder is labelled as safe toy element,it seems it carries the risk of causing toxic changes to the corneal epithelium and delay healing.
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