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Anterior segment injury after trauma by hand-held blue laser device

Poster Details

First Author: M.Al-Amry SAUDI ARABIA

Co Author(s):    S. Alsulaiman   N. Ghazi                 

Abstract Details


To report a case of an anterior segment severe inflammatory reaction post exposure to laser light directed to the eye through a handheld blue laser pointer


In a tertiary eye hospital


Case report


14 year old boy presented to the emergency room with severe redness and decrease vision of the left eye after he had a laser light directed to his eye by his friend from a laser pointer,resulted in severe anterior chamber reaction and fibrinious bands and membrane occluded the pupil .the condition resolved on topical steroid use with full restoration of vision


laser pointers available for different purposes and of easy access through internet purchases but carry the risk of producing severe ocular injuries in the hands of adolucents

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