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Comparison of two surgical treatment methods in extensive pterygium

Poster Details

First Author: M.Zemba ROMANIA

Co Author(s):    A. Stamate   C. Avram   V. Enache   S. Oprea   D. Ivascu        

Abstract Details


To evaluate the efficiency and safety of two surgical treatment methods in extensive pterygium.


Central Military Emergency University Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania


This was a prospective study. 48 patients divided in two groups (group 1 and group 2) who were operated during January 2009- December 2013 were included. Group 1 included 24 patients who underwent pterygium excision and conjunctival autografting and group 2 included 24 patients who underwent pterygium excision, conjunctival autografting and amniotic membrane transplantation. The minimal follow-up period was of 6 months, with a range period between 6 and 24 months. The main parameters analysed were recurrence, type and incidence of complications.


Recurrence appeared in 2 cases in group 1 (8.3 %) and in 2 cases in group 2 (8.3 %). Complications included: in group 1: graft sideslip - 2 cases, corneal perilimbal ulcer - 2 cases and conjunctival suture dehiscence -1 case (20.8 %) and in group 2: conjunctival wound dehiscence -1 case (4.1 %).


Amniotic membrane transplantation reduced the number of postoperative complications after the excision of extensive pterygium.

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