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Quadruple technique in management of primary pterygium

Poster Details

First Author: A.Hasan EGYPT

Co Author(s):    K. Mohamed                    

Abstract Details


To evaluate the outcomes of primary pterygium excision with conjunctival flab one week after sublesional Bevacizumab (Avastin®) injection and intraoperative mitomycin C application with subtenon triamecinolone injection (Quadriple technique).


Sohag Faculty of Medicine


: In an interventional prospective study, 25 patients with primary pterygia underwent sublesional injection of bevacizumab (Avastin®) (1.25mg0.1ml) one week later surgical excision was performed with mitomycin C application ,conjunctival flab was done and lastly triamecinolone acetate (10 mgml) was injection subtenon in Ophthalmology department of Sohag University Hospital and the eyes were operated on by a single surgeon. All cases were followed up for one year and the results were evaluated in terms of recurrent pterygium growth and complications


Twenty-five eyes of 25 patients (20 males and 5 females) with mean age 49±4.8 years were operated. The pterygia extended onto the corneas for 4.1±1.2 (range 3-5.5) mm. during the 12 months follow up no recurrence was detected and no complications were reported.


this quadrible technique is safe and effective surgical technique with no recurrence rate but longer follow up period is mandatory.

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