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All types of complications of using Boston Keratoprosthesis type 1 in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: 3 years

Poster Details

First Author: M.Gessa SPAIN

Co Author(s):    I. Relimpio Lopez                    

Abstract Details


Introducing the Type 1 Boston Keratoprosthesis implant surgery in 44 year old male (Stevens Johnson by sulphamides since he was 4) and postoperative complications during the 3 years of follow ( surgeries of corneal melting treated with amniotic membrane, synthetic duramater, pars plana vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane, change the keratoprosthesis and reconstructuction of the eyelid) All from the disease itself, which assume a constant medical and surgical therapeutic challenge by the ophthalmologist.


Virgen Macarena University Hospital,Seville, Spain


Clinical case.Surgery of Type 1 Boston Keratoprosthesis in 44 male, previously treated of cicatricial entropion. BCVA before surgery: 0,05. BCVA after surgery: 0,4. Later, membrane behind prosthesis is developed, treated with YAG laser; corneal melting on 2 occasions, first met with amniotic membrane and the second with synthetic dura. After 1 year appears epiretinal membrane with new corneal melting. During vitrectomy a choroidal detachment occurs controlled, leaving silicone oil. Finally, vitrectomy is done and change of the keratoprosthesis. Later implanted dura as a spacer for retraction of lower eyelid and external tarsorraphy to reduce ocular surface area is performed.


The Boston Keratoprosthesis is currently retained. BCVA: 0,1. No other complications.


The indication of Boston Keratoprosthesis in Stevens Johnson syndrome is one of the worst, because of the nature of the disease and all the complications relationed to that, like presented. The retention rate is about 2 years. In this patient it was changed and at 2.5 years, after multiple remedial actions on the ocular surface.

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