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Ocular manifestation of ichthyosis
Poster Details
First Author: M.Al-Amry SAUDI ARABIA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To report the most common ocular manifestation of this rare oculo-dermal disease
Retreospective case series in a tertiary eye hospital
Reterospective case series
Over 20 years we could retrieve 11 patient with icthiosis, all presented with both eye lids ectropion and some developed secondary corneal complications like corneal scarring, one infant presented with globe perforation as a sequalae to this disease. Most of them had lid ectropion repair via skin grafting with favorable visual prognosis.The histopathology slides were reviewed.
Icthiosis is very rare oculo-dermal disease of different inhertance patterns, most if not all patients had eyelid ectropion with some corneal complications which could devastating in some of them necessiating corneal grafting.
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