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Congenital sebaceous trichofolliculoma (CSTF) of the upper eyelid

Poster Details

First Author: H.Al Ghadeer SAUDI ARABIA

Co Author(s):    D. Edward                    

Abstract Details


To report a unique case of congenital Sebaceous Trichofolliculoma of the upper eyelid and describe its histopathological features.


King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital


A 6-year-old boy presented with a protruding hair emerging from a temporally located nodule on his left upper eyelid 5mm above the eyelid margin since birth. The lesion was excised. The histopathological features were evaluated and the literature reviewed.


The histopathological findings of the excised lesion showed hair follicles derived from primary hair follicle filled with keratin lamellae and hair. Consistent with STF.


Congenital Sebaceous Trichofolliculoma (CSTF) is a recognized hamartomatous skin lesion , clinically indistinct with well-defined histopathological features. Awareness of this rare lesion is important to reach the correct clinical and histological diagnosis.

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