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Excision of a primary conjunctival melanoma with corneolimbar invasion and implant of amniotic membrane

Poster Details

First Author: R.Aburto SPAIN

Co Author(s):    E. Del Fresno   B. Sarmiento                 

Abstract Details


To describe a case of conjunctival melanoma in a 34-years old male patient and the received treatment.


Service of Ophtalmology at the Hospital Doce de Octubre, Madrid, Spain


Case Description of a 34 years old male patient with a pigmented lesion on his right eye temporal conjuctiva since childhood, who refers growing within the last 2 months. There is a dark and irregular pigmentation, with granulated surface, intralessional cysts and slceral, limbar and corneal invasion. An exeresis is done whith lamelar sclerectomy of healthy base and lamelar keratectomy. An intrasurgery biopsy is reported as melanoma with 1 mitosis per field. Cryotherapy and mitomycin is applied on the slceral base, alcohol is applied on the cornea and then an amniotic membrane is implanted.


Extension study is done with no distant metastasis. Radiotherapy is applied. Three months after surgery there is a 50% corneal thin decrease with some rests of the amniotic membrane. There are no recurrencies neither metastasis.


To describe a case of conjunctival melanoma in a 34-years old male patient and the received treatment.

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