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A new surgical approach for sutureless iris repair

Poster Details

First Author: M.Stopa POLAND

Co Author(s):    P. Rakowicz                    

Abstract Details


This paper presents a new surgical approach to repairs iris defects that replaces suturing with cauterization of reapposed iris tissue edges.


Setting: an academic health center - Clinical Eye Unit and Pediatric Ophthalmology Service, Heliodor Swiecicki University Hospital, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland


The surgical technique was used in 3 patients with sectoral iris defects, 2 patients with traumatic mydriasis and 1 with iridodialysis. In all cases the tissue defects resulted from previous trauma. A 25-gauge vitreoretinal cautery probe (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX) was introduced into the anterior chamber, iris tissue was repositioned and was cauterized with a 46% power on the vitrectomy device to create a firm diathermy scar reconnecting both edges of the iris defect. The diathermy was repeated as many times as needed until the iris covered the defect entirely, or the pupil size was reduced.


Depending on the case the sectoral defect was closed, mydriatic pupil size was reduced and irydodialysis was repaired. All patients expressed satisfaction with the improvement in the cosmetic appearance of their eyes. There were no serious intraoperative complications. The patients were followed up for at least 6 months. In one eye with the traumatic mydriasis a diathermy site became disconnected and the pupil partially dilated. No postoperative glaucoma or uveitis was observed.


We believe our cauterization technique is an easy and powerful method to repair different iris defects. It requires no suturing and minimizes manipulation in the anterior chamber. Further long term observations, as well as histopathology studies are needed to confirm the stability of the apposition of the iris.

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