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Histopathological alterations of anterior lens capsule and epithelium after vitrectomy with silicone oil injection

Poster Details

First Author: M.Sharaf EGYPT

Co Author(s):    W. Soliman   K. Abdelazeem   D. El-Gamal              

Abstract Details


Light and Electron microscopic evaluation of the anterior capsule of the lens and its epithelium in vitrectomized eyes with silicone oil.


1: Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University. 2:Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University.


Six anterior lens capsular specimens were excised during phacoemulsication and silicone oil removal from patients with vitrectomized eyes filled with silicone oil for more than three months (Group A). These specimens were examined via light and transmission electron microscopy and compared with six specimens of the anterior capsule removed during clear lens extraction (Group B).


Light microscopical examination of semithin sections stained with Toluidine blue of group (B) revealed step formations in the capsule and darkly stained cuboidal lens epithelium. Ultrastructurally, electron dense lens epithelial cells had apoptotic appearance. Electron dense nuclei showed irregular contours, chromatin margination and degenerated nucleoli .Many vacuoles were observed among accumulation of Golgi bodies in the cytoplasm. Prominent myelin like figures was distinguishable. The contact between lens epithelial cells and the capsule was altered where filopodia like protrusions created a gap beneath the capsule .These membrane bound processes contain phagosomes and other microfibrillar structures.


Silicone oil injection might be responsible for development of apoptosis and other histopathological changes revealed in lens epithelial cells.

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