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Multi-centre study to investigate causes and trends in on-day cancellation of cataract surgeries in the United Kingdom

Poster Details

First Author: M.Sawant UK

Co Author(s):    M. Bhalla   V. Gangwani                 

Abstract Details


To independently investigate causes of on-day cancellations of cataract surgeries at two separate eye units in UK to evaluate common trends of cancellations and to propose ways to reduce such cancellations.


Ophthalmology departments in NHS district general hospitals at Prince Charles Eye Unit, Windsor (PCEU) and Ashford and St Peter’s Hospital, Ashford, Surrey (ASPH) in the United Kingdom.


Retrospective case review of cataract surgery cases cancelled on the day of surgery over 12 months between 1st August 2013 and 31st July 2014, was carried out using both electronic patient record systems and manual theatre logbook.


313 and 259 cataract surgeries were canceled on the day at PCEU and ASPH respectively, wherein 14 different reasons were identified. 58 patients (19%) were canceled at PCEU due to patient sickness as compared to 38 (15%) at ASPH. 46 (15%) patients did not attend at PCEU while 54 (21%) patients at ASPH. Poor control of systemic co-morbidities caused 35 (11%) cancellations at PCEU while 44(17%) at ASPH. 169 (54%) and 118 (31%)cancellations occurred between months of January and May at PCEU and ASPH respectively.


Most common reasons for cancellation in both eye units were patient related involving patient sickness and failure to attend. Significant number of cancellations occurred due to poorly controlled pre-existing medical conditions, which could have been prevented by robust pre-assessment protocols. Highest number of cancellations occurred during winter-spring months. Study shows almost identical trends of cancellations in both hospitals. We propose new ophthalmology specific waiting list form for clearer documentation, which would be easy to fill and will include specific co-morbidities to highlight high- risk patients, which would help reducing cancellations on the day of surgery.

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