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Blinking measurement by video recording

Poster Details

First Author: V.Sanchis-Jurado SPAIN

Co Author(s):    A. Pons-Moreno   D. Monsalvez-Romin   A. Dominguez-Vicent   D. Madrid-Costa           

Abstract Details


To determine the eye blinks using a low-cost video recording system


University of Valencia, Spain


Using a low-cost video recording system we recorded the eye while the subject stares at a static point. After that, a program coded by the authors detects the frames in which the eyelid is closed. This way we get the number, eye closing percentage and duration of each blink


With this new methodology we can determine the number of blinks in a video sequence, their duration, temporal frequency, if they are complete or incomplete, even the percentage of ocular surface not covered by the eyelid


This is a reliable system to determine the blinking rate and its possible changes in different conditions. This new tool that we provide can be used to study the effect of different optical solutions for presbyopia such as multifocal contact lenses, monovision or even different kind of artifitial tears

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