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Effect of hormonal contraception on eye dryness

Poster Details

First Author: M.Saif EGYPT

Co Author(s):    M. Mostafa   M. Sayed   M. Ali              

Abstract Details


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of different types of hormonal contraceptives on tear film as a cause of dry eye.


Prospective randomized study was carried out in Faculty of Medicine , Beni Suef University, Egypt.


60 patients divided into 6 groups: 1. combined oral pills. ,2. combined monthly injection, 3. depoprovera injection. 4 progesterone only pills. 5:sub dermal implanon. 6. control . All cases undergo full gynecological and ophthalmological examinations including Shirmer test and BUT and follow up for at least 3 months.


Each group contain 10 patients. the mean age for the females was 31.03+6.97 . there is no statistical significance between the groups in relation to age , Parity and Gravidity .the combined pills showed the highest percentage for dry eye followed by mesocept then depoprovera then progesterone only pills then implanon and no dry eyes in the control group.


Contraceptive methods containing both estrogen and progesterone were more likely to have dry eye than those who used progesterone only contraceptive methods.

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