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The importance of osmolarity testing to increase cyclosporine 0.05% compliance

Poster Details

First Author: H.Reis CANADA

Co Author(s):    D. Albuquerque                    

Abstract Details


This study was designed to investigate the importance of introducing osmolarity testing in Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) patients to increase cyclosporine 0.05% treatment compliance.


Focus Eyecare Centre - Burnaby, BC, Canada


18 patients were selected after being diagnosed with moderate DES according to a 12-item OSDI questionnaire and divided into 2 groups (n=9). The treatment protocol consisted of FML 0.1% qid for 2 weeks and cyclosporine 0.05% bid associated with preservative free artificial tears onwards. Group 1 was followed every 60 days with biomicroscopy and TBUT, and the second group had the same recall strategy but had a tear osmolarity test performed every 3 months. Both groups were followed for 9 months.


Group 1 had a dropout rate of 33.33% (n=3) and 5 patients presented with improved OSDI results. One patient did not notice any changes after the treatment. Group 2 had a treatment dropout rate of 0% and 8 patients presented with an improved OSDI result. One patient did not notice significant improvement after the treatment.


The results show that, even though the treatment protocol with cyclosporine 0.05% is effective in improving DES symptoms, introducing an objective clinical measurement strategy was paramount to increase compliance and provide patients and eye care providers with increase confidence.

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