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Four years follow-up study of 145 cases of aphakic patients with iris-claw intraocular lens (IOL) through ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM)

Poster Details

First Author: J.Pradas Chacon SPAIN

Co Author(s):    M. Asaad   S. Elnayef                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate the safety, positioning and stability of iris-claw IOL, in aphakic patients, through ultrasonic biomicroscopy (UBM ).


Hospital Terrassa


Four years follow up study of 145 cases of aphakic patients with iris claw IOL. A complete eye examination through UBM was done, to determine IOL position with respect to the anterior segment structures as well as their stability and fixation. The post-operative examination was conducted in the 1st, 6th, 24th and 48th months.


We demonstrate an optimal safety distance between the iris-claw IOL and the endothelium with normal considered values not to cause endothelial damage in 100% of cases. We don’t observe changing positions or securing of the iris-claw IOL to the length of time. Spaces between the iris-claw IOL and the iris are kept open, to the passage of aqueous humor, without adhesions.


The IOL maintains an optimal safety distance from the endothelium, showing no change in position and no endothelial damage than other surgeries through the study. These lenses have proved stability and entire safety with less complication than other lens. So we can consider it stable, secure and a first option to support aphakic patients.

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