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Is serum selenium concentration associated with the development of age-related cataract?
Poster Details
First Author: M.Post POLAND
Co Author(s): W. Lubinski A. Jakubowska K. Durda J. Lubinski M. Muszynska
Abstract Details
To evaluate the correlation between the occurrence of age-related cataract and the concentration of selenium in serum.
Department of Ophthalmology, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland
The study group included 95 cataract patients, aged 60-80 years, not suffering from other diseases of the eye or systemic diseases with proven impact on the eye function/electrolytes. Control group consisted of 187 healthy subjects. Selection criteria for the control group were: sex, age, smoking (including the number of pack-years). Those taking supplements were excluded from the study. The cohort was divided into four equal groups (n=70/71) with various selenium levels (I - the lowest selenium level, IV - the highest selenium level). Measurement of the serum selenium concentration was carried out by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
1) The proportion of patients with cataract vs. healthy controls in each group was as follows: I (n=70; selenium level Se: 31.64-67.64 µg/l) 42:28, II (n=71; Se: 67.70-75.17 µg/l) 20:51, III (n=70; Se 75.18-80.96 µg/l) 16:54, IV (n=71; Se 81.19-163.54 µg/l) 17:54, 2) Correlation between the serum selenium concentration and cataract was statistically significant (I (42:28) vs. IV (17:54) group, the lowest vs. the highest level of selenium respectively, Fischer test: p=0.0001, OR 4.76, CI 2.3-9.84) 3) Observed correlation was more prominent in men (male vs. female: OR 8.0 vs. 2.8) 4) The lowest risk of cataract occurred at a selenium concentration higher than 75.18µg/l
1) The concentration of selenium in the blood may be a marker of occurrence of age-related cataracts. 2) The low selenium levels may be a risk factor for age-related cataract in the Polish population.
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