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New clinical test for suprathreshold contrast sensitivity measurement with natural images

Poster Details

First Author: A.Pons SPAIN

Co Author(s):    V. Sanchis-Jurado   A. Del Aguila-Carrasco   A. Moulakaki   R. Montes-Mico           

Abstract Details


To design a clinical procedure methodology to evaluate the suprathreshold sensitivity to contrast changes in natural images, by modifying the energy of frequency bands.


University of Valencia, Spain


For each of the naturales images chosen from academic databases, we separated it’s frequency spectrum in bands of octaves. Modifying the energy of a single band the RMS contrast of the image is modified. The task of the observer subject is to detect when the test image is different than the reference image with a modifed staircase metod.


The obtained results are in good agreement with previous results for the contrast sensitivity function at suprathreshold conditions found in the literature and the literature of visual performance with natural images. This test is a quick and simple option suitable in clinical settings


The designed procedure is a reliable test that allows to assess the visual performance in conditions closer to the real world, instead of previous tests that pushes subjects to the limit of their visual capabilities. Refractive surgery results can be evaluated under normal and not diagnostic conditions.

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