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Treatment of dry eye syndrome after cataract surgery in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
Poster Details
First Author: A.Meidani GREECE
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Abstract Details
To reduce postoperative complications due to dry eye (DTS:DYSFUNCTIONAL TEAR SYNDROME) after uncomplicated phacoemulsification in 5 patients suffered from rheumatoid arthritis by using medium-term dissolvable lacrimal plugs.
Medical Center, Athens
5 patients (mean age=70,4 years), 3 women and 2 men underwent an uncomplicated phacoemulsification and IOL implantation(psysiol, POLY AY 123). Pre-operatively patients used natural tears containing sodium hyaouronate. Dry eye was estimated by shirmer test, BTU and Οcular Surface Disease Index(OSDI) Score that is an important index in distiguising between normal subjects and patients with dry eye. Medium-term dissolvable lacrimal plugs were used to reduce postoperative complications due to dry eye. The Ocular Surface Disease Index(OSDI) Score was used to measure dry eye symptoms.
Pre-operatively mean OSDI score was=39,26.The first postoperative day mean UDVA of log Mar( 0.2-0.1 ±0.02) was measured.One week postoperatively visual aberrations (degraded image and decreased reading time )were presented.
Mean UDVA of log Mar( 0.4-0.5 ±0.03) was measured. Filaments and superficial Punctate Keratitis were present in most eyes.
Post-operatively mean OSDI score was=71,8 9medium to severe dry eye). One week after the insertion of medium-term dissolvable lacrimal plugs mean OSDI score was=29,8 (mild dry eye) and there was an improvement of dry eye symptoms.
Medium-term dissolvable lacrimal plugs in patients that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis reduce dry eye symptoms caused by tear film instability after an uncomplicated phacoemulsification.
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