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Pterygium surgery with conjuctival autograft
Poster Details
First Author: B.Kambo ALBANIA
Co Author(s): M. Asani
Abstract Details
To demonstrate the effectiveness and results of conjuctival autograft in pterigium surgery
German Eye Clinic, Albania
44 patients operated for pterigium surgery with conjuctival autograft with 18 months and less follow -up were registered. 20 of patients had bilateral primary pterigium. 11 of patients had recurrent pterigum . 13 of patients had primary unilateral pterigium . Graft margins were secured to the recipient site
The follow up period was 18 months and less. In 17 cases was performed using absorbable sutures (vicryl 10/0), in 15 patients was performed using 10/0 neilon (non- absorbable sutures) and in 12 patients 9.0 vicryl sutures. There were no significant differences between women and men with respect to recurrence. All the patients demonstrate no recurrence rate between primary and recurrent pterygium, and between sutures vicryl 10.0, vicryl 9.0 and neilon 10.0. The median of age in the group was 42.6 years old.
After 18 months follow-up period after autograft pterygium surgery, there were no statistically significant differences in recurrence rates for the application of sutures 10.0 neylon , 10.0 vicryl or 9.0 vicryl; there were no statistically significant differences between the use of autograft in primary and recurrent pterygium. The visual quality was improved after pterigium surgery in 24 patients and without changes in 20.
Conjunctival autograft surgery appears to be an effective surgical technique in preventing pterygium recurrence and it can also help in improving the best corrected visual acuity.
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