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Acrobatics in the 'middle earth' and artificial iris

Poster Details

First Author: C.Forlini ITALY

Co Author(s):    M. Forlini                    

Abstract Details


Ocular traumatology represents an ultra specialist branch of ocular surgery. The iris is often considered as a boundary area between anterior and posterior segment surgery and is a zone not well defined between the competency of vitreoretinal and anterior segment surgeon. To show our strategy on traumatic iris injuries.


Domus Nova Hospital-Ravenna, Italy


we reviewed eyes with only anterior injuries and combined anterior and posterior segment injuries. In the first situation, we used closed-chamber technique to repair iris lacerations externally via the McCannel suture technique. In the second situation, open-sky surgery technique was used to repair iris injuries, necessitating the use of TKP for exploration and reconstruction. We use 25G anterior chamber infusion and mini-invasive 25/23G system. At the end, we performed retropupillary implantation of the iris claw intraocular lens.


In all these cases with iris trauma the retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens was stable without disenclavation.


‘’The middle-earth’’ is an area of surgery not well defined. Instead of combining techniques and equipment of anterior and posterior segment surgery it is possible to manage injuries of that sector. At the time of primary repair, every effort should be made to preserve as much of normal iris tissue as possible. This greatly helps in subsequent anterior segment reconstruction.

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