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Dynamic analysis of an accommodating artificial eye based on an electrically tunable lens
Poster Details
First Author: J.Esteve-Taboada SPAIN
Co Author(s): A. Del Aguila-Carrasco P. Bernal-Molina I. Marin-Franch R. Montes-Mico
Abstract Details
To dynamically assess the accommodative response of an opto-mechanical artificial eye with an electrically tunable lens. Dynamic accommodative responses were recorded for two different input profiles: first, a smooth and continuous change (i.e. a sinusoidal profile) in the accommodative demand from +1 D to +3 D; and second, a steep and fast transition (i.e. a rectangular profile) between +5.7 D and -6.4 D of refraction in the artificial eye.
University of Valencia, Spain
The artificial eye constructed uses an electronically variable focal length lens to simulate different dynamic behaviors in the accommodative response. The eye has a punctual light source to be used as an active artificial retina. To characterize the dynamic response of the accommodating artificial eye, a commercial wavefront sensor (irx3, Imagine Eyes, Orsay, France) has been used. Three temporal frequencies were considered in the sinusoidal movement, namely, 0.05 Hz, 0.10 Hz and 0.20 Hz.
With the sinusoidal profile, the amplitude of the measured signal is always lower or equal to the expected one. Maximum differences between input profile and response are around 0.15 D. With the rectangular profile, the amplitude of the measured signal is also lower than the expected one, reaching differences between input and response of around 0.6 D for large positive vergences and 0.2 D for large negative vergences.
Differences between input vergences and response of the artificial eye is good with a sinusoidal profile and less so with a rectangular profile. The artificial eye can be calibrated to minimize the differences between input and response with both profiles, as long as the accommodative range is not too large. This accommodating artificial eye is an excellent tool to assess and calibrate aberrometers, adaptive optics systems, and any other optical system designed for the exploration of the dynamic accommodation of the human eye.
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