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Ocular rosacea

Poster Details

First Author: D.Dimdina LATVIA

Co Author(s):    V. Ligute   I. Mezatuca   N. Valdame   M. Spinge   T. Petrova        

Abstract Details


To show importance to treat rosacea and it subtype - ocular rosacea, in the basis and regular, to avoid severe ocular rosacea pathological eyes changes, bad response to the treatment in cases if the disease is not treated for a long time.


The patient was under regular examinations and treatment at the opthalmology department of Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital, clinic “Biķernieki” from 04.09.2014 to 18.02.2015.


A patient - male, 75 years old, duration of the disease 45 years, practically untreated disease, was under regular visiometry, biomicroscopy and anterior segment OCT (to measure corneal thickness in place of the ulcer) examination. To approve relevance of pathogenesis of the disease a patient was under esofagogastroduodenoscopy, D vitamin level, demodex follicorum investigation. Consultations of the dermatologist, regular conversations were made. Intensive conservative medical (local, sistemic antibacterial, healing promoting) and surgical treatment (corneal covering with autoconjunctiva and blepharoraphia) were applied.


As a patient had bad response to conservative medical treatment- surgical eye treatment has been applied, which led to remission of ocular rosacea. Ulcer healed (corneal thickness 448 mkm, before 312 mkm) resulting in central corneal opacity with poor vision, bulbar conjunctiva without irritation, but there are still hronic palpebral changes with meibomian gland disfunction, hronic iridocyclitis and corneal neovascularization. The case report study revealed several pathogenetic factors of disease: the northern European region, emotional lability, positive falmily anmnesis, helicobacteriosis, relatively hight D vitamin level. Demodex follicorum not found on the treatment background. Rhinophyma, persistent centrofacial erythema are present.


Patient had ocular rosacea with bad response to a treatment due untreated disease. Intensive medical and surgical eye care, sistemic treatment for rosacea were resulted in remission of ocular rosacea, but still requires regular eyes examinations and a treatment. Patient has ocular, papulopustular, phymatous subtypes of life-long disease that is not curable, but is treating.

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