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Persistent unilateral dyschromoptopsia in Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS)

Poster Details

First Author: H.Chawla INDIA

Co Author(s):    Z. Chaudhuri   S. Vashisht   K. Jain              

Abstract Details


To report an unusual case of miller fischer syndrome followed up for a period of one year


Department of Ophthalmology, PGIMER, Dr RML Hospital


MFS is an atypical variant of Guilliain- Barre syndrome characterized by ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia. We report an unusual case of anti-GQ1b antibody positive MFS patient referred with sudden onset diplopia, loss of vision, wobbly gait and swollen left arm and side of neck due to concomitant sigmoid sinus thrombosis, assessed on neuroimaging.


Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was counting fingers at 3 meters OD and 6/36 OS with decreased abduction OU and disc edema OU. With systemic treatment, visual acuity, ophthalmoparesis and visually evoked response (VER) improved but a unilateral red green defect dyschromoptosia was noted OD which has persisted till date, 12 months after initial presentation.


Optic nerve involvement with dyschromoptopsia is a rare association of MFS, only anecdotally reported. This case emphasizes the relevance of looking for subtle optic nerve changes and assessing all functional parameters of vision in patients with MFS for optimal rehabilitation.

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