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Surgeons, anatomists of the eye from the Hellenistic to the Roman times

Poster Details

First Author: G.Balanikas GREECE

Co Author(s):    N. Ziakas   V. Karampatakis   S. Maloutas   I. Papadopoulou   S. Diafas   P. Economides     

Abstract Details


Our aim is to indicate the impressive progress which was made during this period starting just after Hippocrates and reaching Galen includind many other pioneer physicians


A' Ophthalmologic Clinic Aristotle University of Thessaloniki AHEPA Hospital


We examine the sources from the ancient literature and the archaeological findings respectively


The progress of eye sugery and anatomy (cataract, chalazion, pterygium etc) is established from the study of the medicine of this period, Many instruments are basically similar in design as our contemporary


Great phycicians as Galen were pioneers in surgery and our science, Ophthalmolgy, was a main subject in this medical progress.

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