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Manifestation of ocular rosacea in dark skinned individuals

Poster Details

First Author: S.Al-Mansouri SAUDI ARABIA

Co Author(s):    A. Al-Balbeesi   E. Almukhadeb   M. Halawani   G. Bin Saif           

Abstract Details


To check the presence of ocular involvement in dark skinned individuals diagnosed with rosacea and to compare ocular findings with other studies in fair skin patients.


University Hospital College of Medicine King Saud University Riyadh,Saudi Arabia.


Total 56 patients diagnosed with Rosacea by dermatology department where studied prospectively and referred to ophthalmology for observation and clinical examination for ocular involvement and manifestation.


Forty three patients (76.8%) were positive for ophthalmic findings the most frequent symptoms were itching, burning sensation and redness while the most frequent signs were meibomian gland dysfunction, dry eyes, eyelid telangiectasia and blepharitis. No major sight threatening complications were found.


Ocular rosacea in dark skin individuals is a common presentation and is comparable to the reported for fair skin. More benign course was seen compared to other studies. Ocular and cutaneous rosacea are independent of each other.

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