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Predicting cataract surgery time based on preoperative risk assessment

Poster Details

First Author: A.Achiron ISRAEL

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


Operation room (OR) time is an expensive resource that should be optimized to reduce costs. Individual preoperative risks parameters (PORS) assessment may aid in predicting cataract surgery time.


Department of Ophthalmology, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, Israel


Dedicated software was developed and known risk factors for cataract surgery were integrated into it. PORS were assigned to each patient in the pre-operative meeting and the risk score was calculated. 150 Patients were divided according to a standard classification into low risk group (PORS ≤ 2) and high risk group (PORS >5). Duration of surgery was retrospectively analyzed in each group and regression analysis of OR time was conducted.


Patients in the high PORS group had longer surgery times when compared with patients in the low PORS group (37.6 vs. 20.9, p<0.001). Risk scores positively correlated with surgery time (r=0.28, p=0.01). Prediction equations for the OR time demonstrated for two surgeons that every increase in 1 risk point added 2.2 or 3.5 minutes to the OR time. Outliers (more than one standard deviation (SD) from each surgeon's surgery mean time) had more than twice the risk score of cases within one SD from the mean.


The PORS system may be a useful tool for predicting OR time based on individual patients risk group and may improve OR scheduling

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