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So called over-correction after LASIK: second report

Poster Details

First Author: M.Yamanaka JAPAN

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


Try to make clear the seems like over-correction after LASIK. The Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) of Japan said on Dec. 4th 2013 ,that eighty cases of health hazards by LASIK were reported, the data based on the information gathered by the National Consumer Affairs Center (NCAC) of Japan since 2009.


According to CAA, the largest number of claims, some twenty cases or more, are related to the seems like over-correction , that resulted in headaches and nausea.


Retrospective study on Keratotopograms of LASIK and PRK ,case 1:both eyes with SE-3D. Case 2 :both eyes with SE-11D. On Keratotopograms of both eyes, case 3:LASIK with SE-4D.On Keratotopograms of both eyes. Case 4: PRK with SE-4D and case : PRK with SE-16D. Every cases after operations passed one year or more. Use of the Profile 500 Fyodrov Institute for the PRK. SVS Apex Plus Summit Technology for the LASIK. Microkeratome Chiron Hansatome . Keratotopography TMSâ…ˇ-N and other routine examinations pre and post refractive surgery.


In each cases of Keratotopogram shows after PRK has wider transitional zone than after LASIK.In 2009,futher more ex.about accommodation.


There is a suspicion that seems like over-correction after LASIK comes over- lording of accommodation, due to narrow transitional zone, that has been under PRK abrasion. Take after making the LASIK flap 160 microns from cornea thickness 500 microns ,360 microns remain in commonly ,so fewer thickness fewer transitional zone and much over-lording of the accommodation, more chance of headache , nausea, dry eye or other unidentified complaints. However should take more further study with accommodation.

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