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Epithelial ingrowth
Poster Details
First Author: V.Fortuna ARGENTINA
Co Author(s): A. Alezzandrini A. Tammaro P. Serraino A. Duran
Abstract Details
Case presentation of postoperative complication after refractive surgery with excimer laser.
“Oftalmos, Centro Oftalmológico de Alta Complejidad”
Female patient (39 years old) who complains of progressive corneal opacification on her right eye associated with decrease in visual accuity.
Medical record:
2004 lasik myopic surgery, 2013 retreatment right eye. Rheumatoid arthritis in treatment with methotrexate. Visual accuity:
OR: VA 20/200 BCVA 20/50 (- 1.00 -1.00 x 90 °)
OS: VA 20/20
Slit lamp:
OR: clear cornea, white paracentral lesion with net edges at the interface
OS: no particularities
Fundus: unremarkable Anterior chamber OCT and Pentacam were performed.
Presumptive diagnosis: EPITHELIAL INGROWTH
Treatment: flap lift, then with excimer laser all visible epithelial cells on the stromal bed were removed.
Two months after surgery
Visual accuity:
Right eye: UDVA 20/80 CDVA -2.75 20/30
Left eye: UDVA 20/20
Slit lamp:
slight opacity over the zone of injury, flap applied without signs of infection
It is important to know the contraindications (collagenopathies for example) and recognize complications in refractive surgery. Epithelial ingrowth is an early complication which increase its impact after reoperations (2%). Good visual results are obtained with proper treatment preserving the integrity of the flap.
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