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Specular microscopy of corneal grafts in our eye bank

Poster Details

First Author: A.Tufekci Balıkcı TURKEY

Co Author(s):    S. Cevik   N. Parmak   R. Duman              

Abstract Details


The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiologic characteristics and examination findings of corneal grafts.


Bursa Sevket Yılmaz Training and Research Hospital


Retrospective study


We retrospectively reviewed the records of our eye bank related to characteristics of corneal grafts between July 2013 – November 2014. Age of the donor , sex, death cause interval between taking graft and transport time, serological examination results ,specular microscopy (SM) datas were recorded The impact on datas of specular microscopy by donor age , sex and death-to-explantation interval was assessed . Corneal grafts were examined with Specular microscopy to evaluate the effects of donor age,sex,interval between death time and coneal graft taking time on the graft.


In our study we found younger age, shorter interval between death time and corneal graft taking time and shorter interval between corneal graft taking time and keratoplasty time increases the survival of the corneal graft.

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