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Pentacam Scheimpflug imaging of anterior segment parameters in Indian rural children

Poster Details

First Author: s.Tomar INDIA

Co Author(s):    E. Ramawat                    

Abstract Details


No studies offering complete biometric description of anterior ocular segment in Indian rural dhildren


Ophthalmology Department, Nims University,Jaipur,Rajasthan.


Prospective observational study of 100 eyes of 50 children.Complete ophthalmological and optometric examination.Testing took place with natural pupils and under same conditions Both eyes randomly examined. All measurements conducted between 9:00 AM and 14:00 PM after all participants awake for at least 4 hours. Three consecutive readings taken by same investigator and mean of readings used for analysis.


The Mean+/- standard deviation for the following cornealparameters were noted; Central corneal thickness (CCT) 549.33 +/- 46.2,Thinnest corneal thickness (TCT) 545.53 +/- 40.2,Apex corneal thickness (apex CT) 549.86 +/- 42.2,Mean corneal radii (Kmax) 45.9 +/- 2.42,Corneal volume (CV) 62.22 +/- 3.86,Anterior chamber depth (ACD) 3.04 +/- 0.28,Anterior chamber volume (ACV) 179.8 +/- 10.8,Anterior chamber angle (ACA) 40.3 +/- 2.96,White to white diameter (W2W) 11.8 +/- 0.36,Pupil diameter (PD) 3.04 +/- 0.54


Provides significant reliable information. Extremely versatile tool for clinician. Immense scope for research. Great utility in daily clinical practice – wealth of information.Automated measurements of anterior segment parameters showed excellent repeatability. All measurements shows equal reproducibility.

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