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New possibilities to estimate the morphofunctional state of the meibomian glands

Poster Details

First Author: A.Rodionova RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    V. Kurenkov   E. Polunina                 

Abstract Details


Develop a diagnostic method of examination of patients with the tear film dysfunction to perform outpatient screenings evaluating its diagnostic significance on the basis of correlation analysis.


Dr. Kurenkov Clinic, Moscow, Russia


1. The average distance between the adjacent meibomian gland duct orifices opening onto the lid margin. 2. The average ratio between the size of the meibomian gland duct orifice and the distance between of the adjacent meibomian gland duct orifices. 3. The average size of the meibomian glands visualized in an eyelid that turns out. 4. The mean ratio between the MG distance and the size of them. Biometry is conducted between three adjacent meibomian gland ducts and MG proper on every eye, the results are averaged and scored followed by calculation of the biometric index of the MG.


A method providing for a complex estimation of the morphological and functional condition of the meibomian glands called biometry has been developed. The data obtained during patients' examination including a new diagnostic method such as MG biometry, correlation analysis data and clinical observations demonstrate a direct dependence between objective, subjective signs of the MGD dysfunction (patients' complaints) and MG biometry data. A high correlation level between the biometric index and compression exam was found in the analysis.


The developed method (biometry of the meibomian glands) is an objective way to evaluate their morphofunctional condition and can be recommended for wide use not only in specialized eye clinics but also on the out-patient basis. The offered method can expand the set of diagnostic capacities to verify the MGD and related lipid tear deficiency which is of the utmost importance as it is the form of tear film dysfunction which is widely spread.

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