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Objective quantification of cortical cataracts: comparison against the lens opacities classification system III

Poster Details

First Author: A.Cerviño SPAIN

Co Author(s):    A. Domi­nguez-Vicent   U. Birkeldh   L. Carl-Gustaf   M. Nilson   R. Brautaset        

Abstract Details


To quantify cortical opacities objectively and compare against LOCS III scores.


Karolinska Institutet, Sweden


Forty-five patients diagnosed from early to moderate of cortical cataract, and 39 control subjects were examined with the Sirius (Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici, Firenze, Italy) Scheimpflug imaging system, as well as subjectively graded using the LOCS III scale after pupil dilation by an experienced observer. The percentage of opaque pixels within a region of interest (ROI) was calculated for several areas from ROI’s periphery.


A significant and positive correlation between both parameters studied was obtained, with correlation coefficients being 0.812 for all cortex area, 0.833 for a half area, 0.819 for a third area, and 0.808 for a quarter cortex area.


The percentage of opaque pixels within the whole cortex is a useful metric to objectively determine the severity of cortical opacities.

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