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Comparison of pupil diameter measurements of nidek AL-scan and SCHWIND ocular wavefront analyzer pupilometry

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First Author: B.Celik TURKEY

Co Author(s):    U. Celik   M. Taskapili                 

Abstract Details


To compare scotopic pupil diameter (PD) measurements between the Nidek AL-Scan and the Schwind Ocular Wavefront analyzer pupilometry.


Cornea and Refractive Surgery Department


Twenty-seven individual patient eyes with normal ocular examination findings were analyzed. Paired two-tailed t-test was used to compare devices.


Pupil diameter measurements for Nidek and Schwind Ocular Wavefront Analyzer were 6.36 ±1.02 (between 5.62 to 7.52) and 5.96 ±0.92 (between 5.42 to 7.18), respectively. Comparing the two instruments using paired samples t-test, a statistically significant difference was found between the measurements obtained for scotopic pupil diameter (P = 0.0001). The Nidek AL-Scan System measured wider PD values than the Schwind Ocular Wavefront analyzer pupilometry.


Our study showed that the difference in PD between the Nidek AL-Scan and the Schwind Ocular Wavefront analyzer pupilometry system was statistically significant. This result has to be considered in surgical interventions related to pupil diameter.

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