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Comparison of measurement of central corneal thickness with spectral domain optical coherence tomography and standard ultrasonic pachymeter in premature infants

Poster Details

First Author: A.Basoglu TURKEY

Co Author(s):    M. Erol   D. Toslak                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate the repeatability of measurement of central corneal thickness (CCT) by spectral domain optical coherence (SD-OCT) in premature infants and compare it to CCT measurement by ultrasonic pachymetry (USP).


Cross sectional, randomized study


Three CCT measurements of the left eye of 50 premature infants being followed up for treatment of retinopathy of prematurity were obtained by SD-OCT using the iVue SD-OCT system (Optovue Inc., Fremont, CA, USA) and 10 CCT measurements of 28 infants by USP using the Pacscan 300P system (Sonomed Inc., Lake Success, NY, USA). Analysis of variance was performed to determine the repeatability of the 3 CCT measurements. Bland-Altman plots were developed and the limit of agreement (LoA) determined to compare the mean of the SD-OCT and USP measurements.


The mean of the 3 CCT measurements by SD-OCT of 50 infants were 540.7±50.1 µm , 539.0 3±45.7 µm, and 538.3±51.2 µm. The mean CCT measurement by USP of 28 infants was 565.8±68.9 µm. No statistically significant difference was found among the 3 CCT measurements by SD-OCT. In contrast, a statistically significant difference was found between the mean CCT measurements by SD-OCT and USP (p<0.05). The LoA between the SD-OCT and USP measurements ranged from 11.4 and -64.1 and the mean difference between the measurements using the 2 methods was -26.4 µm.


: CCT can be measured using the iVue SD-OCT system with a high level of repeatability. Although measurement of CCT by SD-OCT and USP is highly correlated, the 2 systems cannot be used interchangeably in premature infants

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