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Drainage of retrohyaloid space and vitreous cavity in absolute glaucoma treatment

Poster Details

First Author: A.Usov RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    A. Ermolaev                    

Abstract Details


To develop a surgical technique based on transciliary vitreous cavity drainage to eliminate the hypertensive pain syndrome.


The Intersectional Research and Technology Complex “Eye Microsurgery” named after S. Fyodorov, the Krasnodar Branch, Russia Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russia


38 eyes with terminal glaucoma, hypertensive pain syndrome were operated. Surgical technique: in any quadrant, in 4 mm from limbus under the conjunctival and 4x4 mm scleral flap the drain opening 1x1 mm was made in pars plana. Vitrectomy was perfomed through this surgical foramen with removal of cylinder - shaped fragment of vitreous (10 mm in diameter). In eyes that had no clear cornea or lens the vitrectomy were perfomed without visual control: the pre-measured length silicon tube was put on the vitrector tip, worked as a limiter, and provided safe manipulation in vitreal cavity.


Pain relief was achieved in all cases. In 51,5% - normal IOP was achieved without antihypertensive drops. There were no retinal detachment cases.


Vitreous drainage is an effective technique in refractory glaucoma treatment. The operation enables to achieve an effect notwithstanding any anatomy changes in anterior chamber. The aim of operation is achieved by creating a channel in the vitreal cavity between retrohyaloid space (posterior detachment of vitreous body and formation of retrohyaloid space present as obligatory characteristic of terminal glaucoma) and drainage hole and the subsequent outflow of intraocular liquid and osmotically active substances (urea) through the drainage hole.

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