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ExPress P200: a new implant for decreasing intraocular pressure in advanced glaucoma after previous failed surgery
Poster Details
First Author: J.Szaflik POLAND
Co Author(s): A. Kaminska M. Lazicka Galecka T. Galecki J. Szaflik
Abstract Details
To assess safety and efficacy of draining micro-implant ExPress P200 implanted in patients with advanced glaucoma after ineffective glaucoma operations.
Department of Ophthalmology Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Retrospective analysis of 17 patients (19 eyes) with draining micro-implant ExPress . Follow-up was –12 months. Intraocular pressure was analyzed on 1st post-operative day, 7days post-op, then one month, 3,6,9 12 months post-operatively.
One year post-operatively in analyzed cases intraocular pressure revealed a decrease in first postoperative day 72,9%, one months after surgery 45 ,97%, and one year post-operatively 48,3% , in comparison to pre-operative values. A reduction of taken anti-glaucoma agents was observed in 47,36% of patients after one year after surgery. The following post-operative complications were noted: transient hypotony with shallowing of anterior chamber and transient choroidal detachment. There were no other complications.
The implantation of ExPress P200 to the anterior chamber is a microinvasive, safe and effective method of treatment in a group of patients after ineffective anti-glaucoma surgery. It gives a satisfactory decrease of intraocular pressure and reduction in number of anti-glaucoma drugs taken. This is a method to be considered in patients when previous glaucoma surgery was not effective. The result of surgery mostly depends on the degree of glaucomatous injury, and post-operative complications are still a problem that needs to be solved.
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