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Topical ocular hypotensive drugs: effect of demographic profile and aspect of disease on compliance and adherence in Indian population

Poster Details

First Author: M.Singh INDIA

Co Author(s):    N. Singh   K. Aditya   Q. Jawaid   M. Kataria   V. Gupta   K. Honnakatti     

Abstract Details


To study role of demography and aspects of disease on compliance and adherence to anti-glaucoma drugs in Indian population.


Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital, Delhi, India


It was a prospective, cross-sectional study. Subjects more than 16 years of age with open-angle glaucoma, and chronic angle closure glaucoma were included in study. History of glaucoma surgery,acute angle closure, and presence of ocular inflammation and surface disease were included in exclusion criteria. All patients underwent thorough ocular examination. Fundus and visual field changes were used to classify severity of disease as mild, moderate and severe. All patients were interviewed on a pre-designed questionnaire. Patients were followed up for 6 months. Patients missing more than 2 doses a week were considered non-complaint. Univariate and multivariate analysis was performed.


Compliance rate in our study was 76% and adherence 56%. Better compliance was found in younger age group and males (p-value-0.001). Compliance was better in patients with higher education with p-value 0.0001. Higher socio-economic group were more compliant p-value 0.003. Poor visual acuity was associated with better compliance with p-value 0.04. Subjects in whom target pressure was achieved were more compliant. No significant effect of type of glaucoma and family history of glaucoma was found on compliance. Subjects with severe glaucoma were more compliant with p-value 0.001. Bilateral and long standing glaucoma were significantly related p-value 0.0001. On Multivariate analysis, severity of disease, schooling, bilateral involvement, visual acuity, and economic status were found to be significant factors.


Demographic profile and disease aspects were significant in predicting compliance and adherence to topical anti-glaucoma drugs. Among demographic factors, economic status and schooling played important role. Bilateral involvement, poor visual acuity and presence of severe glaucoma were associated with better compliance

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