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The effect of caffeinated energy drink consumption on intraocular pressure in young population

Poster Details

First Author: C.Lee SOUTH KOREA

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


Some energy drinks contain high content of caffeine and widely consumed among young populations. We examined the effect and relationship of caffeinated energy drinks on intraocular pressure and blood pressure of healthy young people


Maryknoll Meical Center, ophthalmology department


This is prospective randomized, case-controlled cross over study from August to September of 2014. Healthy 40 young volunteers(80 eyes), aged from 20's to 30's, drank two kinds of drink with each taken after 3 months of washout period. It is determined by randomization whether caffeinated energy drink or caffeine free drink was received first. Intraocular pressure(IOP) and blood pressure(BP) were measured at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes and 12, 24 hours after the ingestion of drink by two groups of participants, group I(caffeinated energy drink, n=20) and group II(caffeine free drink, n=20).


In participants who drank caffeinated energy drink, the mean±SD of IOP at baseline was 13.2±1.56(mmHg) and the IOP was increased until 24 hours after the drink consumption. IOP at 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes, 12 and 24 hours after drinking caffeinated energy drink were 14.45±2.12, 14.93±2.02, 14.85±1.55, 14.2±1.34, 14.25±1.74 and 13.35±1.61 for each, and statistically significant at 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes and 12 hours(p<0.05). There was a corresponding increase in BP after drinking caffeinated energy drink but not statistically significant. There were no significant change on IOP nor BP after drinking caffeine free drink.


IOP increases after caffeinated energy drink were statistically significant at 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes and 12 hours. Therefore, caffeinated energy drink may not be recommended for glaucoma patients or glaucoma suspects.

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