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Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of Descemet's membrane goniopuncture and implantation of Ex-PRESS glaucoma filtration device in compensated glaucoma in different periods of observation

Poster Details

First Author: L.Kovalenko UKRAINE

Co Author(s):    G. Parkhomenko   T. Yeroshenko   O. Chuyko              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the effectiveness of Descemet's membrane goniopuncture after previous non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS) and implantation of Ex-PRESS glaucoma filtration device (Alcon) in patients with glaucoma.


Parkhomenko G.Y., Kovalenko L.N., Yeroshenko T.N., Chuyko O.L., Ukraine Medical Centers "Novyi Zir", Kyiv, Dnipropetrovs’k


The study included two groups of patients - 74 persons (74 eyes) that did not achieve tolerant intraocular pressure (TIP) despite individually selected pattern of antihypertensive drugs. Ist group of 36 patients (36 eyes) underwent Descemet's membrane goniopuncture, as a second stage after NPDS. Group II - 38 patients (38 eyes) underwent implantation of an Ex-PRESS device. In both groups patients were diagnosed with open-angle non-compensated glaucoma, of stage I – 10.3%, stage II - 12.5% and stage III – 77.2%. Follow-up period was 2 years (24 months).


During the follow-up period (24 months), mean IOP in patients of group I was: in 1 week 18.4 ± 3.86, in 1 month – 19.8 ± 2.1, in 3 months – 20.4 ± 4.5, in 1 year – 22.5 ± 4.3, in 2 years – 25.5 ± 2.3. In Group II, the same value was in 1 week 14.4 ± 2.15, in 1 month – 14.5 ± 2.1, in 3 months – 16.3 ± 3.5, in 1 year - 17.3 ± 2.3, in 2 years – 20.5 ± 2.3.After 1 year of observation 48.3% patients of group I additionally used antihypertensive antiglaucoma drops to reduce IOP, in Group II – 2.6% patients.


Conclusions. The results obtained after implantation of Ex-PRESS glaucoma filtration device (Alcon) in non-compensated open-angle glaucoma, show greater efficacy of this method in compensation of the intraocular pressure comparing with Descemet's membrane goniopuncture after previous NPDS. This kind of surgery also reduces the risk of postoperative complications.

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