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Applanation tonometry without fluorescein in silicone hydrogel contact lens wearers with corneal pathology

Poster Details

First Author: N.Kim SPAIN

Co Author(s):    C. Carrasco-Font   E. Escobar-Martin   A. Arias-Puente   J. Fernandez-Garcia   S. De Manuel -Triantafilo        

Abstract Details


To assess if intraocular pressure (IOP) can be accurately measured in patients with corneal pathologies wearing silicone hydrogel contact lens without using fluorescein.


Hospital Universitario Fundacion Alcorcon, Department of Ophthalmology, Madrid, Spain


Seven eyes from seven patients ( mean age 69.71) with different corneal diseases ( 6 with corneal decompensation due to glaucoma and 1 congenital glaucoma) were included in this study. Bausch and Lomb Purevision silicone hydrogel contact lens were used in every patient. The IOP was measured through the same Goldman applanation tonometry by the same person. Firstly, with contact lens in situ without fluorescein. Secondly, it was repeated with fluorescein and thirdly, without contact lens and with fluorescein.


The mean difference between IOP measurement with contact lens (without/ with fluorescein) was compared with IOP measurement without contact lens. Being, respectively, -0,14 ( 95% confidence intervals: from -0,38 to 0,10) and -1,57 ( 95% CI from -1,94 to -1,20). Despite the tendency of underestimation of IOP with contact lens and without fluorescein, it can be said that this difference doesn’t seem significant.


IOP measurement can be done easily and reliably through contact lens in situ and without fluorescein, which can be interesting in patients with corneal diseases who need to use contact lens for its therapeutic benefits. Taking into account that this measurement is not totally accurate, due to variation in properties of their cornea, it permits having an adecuate following up without further discomfort.

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