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Evaluation of lens density changes after ab interno trabeculectomy with the trabectome

Poster Details

First Author: T.Kar TURKEY

Co Author(s):    Y. Yildirim   T. Topal                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate lens density (LD) changes after ab interno trabeculectomy with the trabectome.


Department of Ophthalmology, Gulhane Military Medical Academy Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


This prospective interventional study comprised 17 eyes of 17 patients scheduled for ab interno trabeculectomy with the trabectome surgery. Subjects with best corrected visual acuity of 20/20 and having no ocular pathology except glaucoma and refractive errors within ± 4 diopters spherical equivalent were included. Presence of an ocular or systemic disease that might affect lens were determined as exclusion criteria. All individuals underwent complete ocular examination. Nuclear and anterior cortical lens densitometry measurements were performed prior to the surgery and 9 months after surgery with Pentacam HR.


The preoperative and 9 months postoperatively, the mean anterior cortical and nuclear LD values of were not significantly different (p=0.792 and p=0.345, respectively).


Our study has demonstrated that ab interno trabeculectomy with the trabectome surgery is not associated with significant LD changes and cataract development.

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