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Hypotonia following cyclodialysis: treatment options

Poster Details

First Author: A.Hervás-Ontiveros SPAIN

Co Author(s):    S. Garcia-Delpech   J. Vila Arteaga   P. Udaondo   D. Salom   A. Cisneros Lanuza        

Abstract Details


We present two cases of hypotonia secondary to ciclodyalisis diagnosed by gonioscopy and Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM).


The study was done at Hospital Universitary and Poltechnic La Fe.


We present two cases of hypotonia secondary to ciclodyalisis diagnosed by gonioscopy and UBM. After analyzing the clinical situation were treated by cyclopexy and diode laser. In the postoperative the Visual Acuity (VA) and the hypotony maculopathy improved.


Ciclodyalisis is a cause of hypotonia for which there are different treatment options. In one of the cases we opted for treatment by laser diode due to the small size of the slit and the short time evolution. The second case had a wide slit and 3 months duration, so surgical treatment was decided.


Ciclodyalisis is an infrequent problem. There are several treatment options, including conservative treatment, laser cyclopexy or surgical cyclopexy. Sometimes an spontaneous closure of the cleft may occur.

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