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Trabeculectomies and tube shunts: Mitomycin C, 5 Fluorouracil and other perioperative therapeutics

Poster Details

First Author: M.Bodman USA

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To describe the use of adjunctive therapeutics used in traditional filtration surgeries. To discuss optimization of antimetabolite, anti fibrotic and anti-VEGF effects for successful functioning filtering blebs against risks factors, which contribute to surgical failure in glaucoma surgeries.


Ophthalmology Section, Department of Surgery,North Las Vegas Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, North Las Vegas, NV, USA


Literature review using the following key words in Pub Med search: Trabeculectomy, Tube Shunts, Mitomycin C, 5-Fluorouracil, anti-inflammatory agents, anti-VEGF agents.


The literature indicates that there is no one clear therapy that predictably causes anti-scarring of glaucoma surgery. Most therapies are also off label. For the past several years Mitomycin C and 5-Fluorouracil have been the main therapeutic agents used in topical applications. Anti-VEGF agents have been emerging as a new class of adjuncts in filtering surgeries with measured success.


The success (or failure) of glaucoma surgery depends on several factors, patient, previous surgeries, use of peri-operative drops and anti-scarring agents. Optimizing appropriate application of anti-fibrotic agents can influence the successful outcome of glaucoma surgery.

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