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A comparison between ExPRESS miniature glaucoma device in pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and primary open-angle glaucoma

Poster Details

First Author: V.Bersudsky ISRAEL

Co Author(s):    S. Rumelt                    

Abstract Details


To compare the outcomes of ExPress miniature glaucoma device in eyes with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PEG) with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG).


Tertiary referral medical center.


Thirty-five consecutive PEG that underwent trabeculectomy with ExPress P50 implantation were compared with 20 consecutive POAG that underwent the same procedure.


PEG had a 20.6±7.5 (mean ± SD) mmHg decrease in intraocular pressure compared with 19.1±6.7 mmHg in POAG (p=0.725) at follow-up of 6-40 months (mean 12.5). A decrease in the number of medication in PEG was 3.6±0.85 1 vs. 3.45±1.28 in POAG (p=0.603). The complication rate was comparable (p=1.000).


Although PEG is a secondary glaucoma with more aggressive course than POAG, ExPress is as effective in PEG as in POAG.

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