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The value of pattern electroretinography, short-wavelength automated perimetry and color vision tests in diagnosis of glaucoma

Poster Details

First Author: E.Aygit TURKEY

Co Author(s):    I. Yilmaz   S. Karaman Erdur   Z. Alkin   A. Ozkaya           

Abstract Details


To evaluate the benefits of combined use of these tests; short wavelength automated perimetry, pattern electroretinography and color vision test in early detection of glaucoma.


Ophthalmology Department of University of Trakya


76 individuals were included (24 patietns with primary open angle glaucoma(POAG), 27 patietns with oculary hypertension (OHT) and 25 healthy controls) in this study. Standart automated perimetry, short wavelength automated perimetry, pattern electroretinography and color vision tests were performed respectively. All cases had full ophthalmologic examination and gonioscopy. Visuel field, MD and PSD value, pattern electroretinography N95 and P50 amplitude, color vision tests score were compared among the groups.


The mean age of the groups were 57,3 years in POAG group, 59,9 years in OHT group, 56,6 in control group. There were significant differences in MD values between the groups (p=0.041 POAG-OHT , p<0.001 OHT-control, p<0.001 POAG-control. There were significant differences in PSD values among the groups ( p = 0.02 OHT-control, p<0.001 POAG-OHT), there was not difference in PSD values between POAG-OHT (p= 0.06) . P50 wave amplitüde was statically significant in control group compared to POAG group (p=0,049). There were significant differences in color vision tests score between the groups ( p= 0,00 POAG-OHT, p= 0,00 POAG-control). There was not difference in between OHT-control group (p>0,05).


SWAP and color vision tests may be helpfull tools to follow possible progress to glaucoma in OHT patients . When we use those tests together, we found increase on sensitivity.

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