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The comparison of Goldmann applanation tonometer and dynamic contour tonometer according to central corneal thickness

Poster Details

First Author: C.Altan TURKEY

Co Author(s):    H. Dundar   B. Satana   B. Basarir   N. Alagoz   I. Perente        

Abstract Details


To compare intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements obtained with Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) and Pascal dynamic contour tonometer (DCT ) in patient with various central corneal thickness (CCT).


Beyoglu Eye Training and Research Hospital


We studied 174 eyes of 90 patients. Ultrasound pachimeter was used to evaluate CCT in all subjects. Patients were divided into three groups according to their central corneal thicknesses. Group 1 was thin CCT (<520µ), group 2 was intermediate CCT (520-570 µ), group 3 was thick CCT (> 570 µ). The IOPs were measured with GAT by one clinician and at least ten minutes later the IOPs were measured with DCT by another one clinician. Measurements were compared between groups.


Mean CCT values were 490,7 µ for group 1 (n: 42), 544,4 µ for group 2 (n: 61 ) and 602,8 µ for the group 3 (n: 71). Mean IOP measurement obtained with GAT and DCT, respectively 15,1±4,3 and 20,4±5,5 mmHg in group 1; 17,2±4,4 ve 20,9±4,3 mmHg in group 2; 20,1±5,2 and 23,5±5,1 mmHg in group 3. Mean IOP difference between DCT and GAT was 3,9±3,3 mmHg. While this difference was significant between group 1 and 2 (p=0,02) , it wasn’t statistically significant between group 2 and 3 (p=0,54). Positive correlation was found between CCT and measurements with GAT and DCT. Negative correlation was found in IOP difference between DKT and GAT measurements with CCT.


IOP values obtained with DKT were higher than with GAT. While this difference was higher in thin corneas, it wasn’t significant in thick corneas.

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